Next New

I feel like since we are living in a digital society, everything already exists out there or has been created somehow. So, thinking about a new media type that does not already exist is a bit difficult. Living in our current political climate, I think that it is a necessity to know if what we are reading and listening to is completely factual or not. This type of new media I am suggesting would be able to fact check for you, so you are obtaining reliable and correct information. Let’s say the speaker is giving statistics about whatever they are talking about. The application would tell you if the numbers are correct and if his or her speech sounds similar to someone else’s speech. I also think that it would be really cool for this application to tell you who is speaking, if you do not already know, and tell you where the contents of whatever they are speaking or writing about is from. This new media is extremely relevant today and I wish that I had it right now to navigat...