I believe that Baruch College currently does a pretty good job with keeping up to date with all the changes in new media. They utilize various social media sites to share and inform their students, alumni and future students. Their website is also updated. If I was hired by Baruch College to use new media to improve the college, I would make a few suggestions.
First, the relationships between students and professors can be more interactive and engaging. Many professors that I have had just use PowerPoint slides to teach and are only available outside of class for maybe 2 office hours. That is not sufficient time, especially if you are not grasping a topic or there are many students there in the same position as you. An interactive portal or blog would be really great. The professor and students can easily post questions, problems and solve any issues more efficiently. You are also constantly learning all day with a site similar to this one. Textbooks could also be digitalized with a workbook to work through problems and to really understand what you are learning.
My favorite new media application currently is a podcast. Podcasts are a great way to get the news, listen to a comedy show or to learn about what’s happening in the finance world. I would love to see one here! It would be really informative to have students share upcoming events and projects at Baruch, while also sharing their experiences here. It would also be really cool to have professors talk about their research or a class they want to teach. Each week, they could have guest speakers from other CUNY schools or anywhere just to share their knowledge with us.
Lastly, it would be great to have Wi-Fi in all the buildings and working at a faster pace. I know that having fast Wi-Fi and efficient internet is technically not a new media platform, but when these are operating properly all forms of new media applications are more beneficial.
These are just a few suggestions out of many that I would make if I was hired by Baruch College to use new media to improve our school.
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